This is a living document that will be added to as we hear questions from testers.

Updated 9/3/2024

What kind of testers are you looking for?

Anyone and everyone! We know that aging affects literally everyone in the population. Because of this, we want our tester pool to reflect the population. Whether you're the techiest of the techs or you're someone who wants to help but isn't the most tech-savvy person, we want to hear from you. Our Tester Pool Project has an application survey with questions that tell us more about who you are so we can create balanced testing groups.

How will I hear about being selected?

We'll send you an email and add you to a Project! Please add to your address book so our emails aren't sent to weird folders in your inbox. We'll also send emails for important updates like new surveys, platform changes, etc.

How do I get in touch with the team?

Feel free to email us at But if it's an issue directly related to a Project (such as the Tester Pool or any current test), please use the Support Feedback tool in your Project. That helps keep us organized.

What kinds of tests will you run?

Centercode is a powerful platform. So while we are planning to run the usual hardware and software tests here, we're also thinking of opening new Projects to test things like our support experience, website, marketing messages, and more! You can select the areas you're interested in using the Tester Application in the Beta Pool Project.

How often are testers selected?

That's difficult to say right now. It really depends on the phase of the company, areas of interest for available testers, and resources we have. I can say that we have a company roadmap that includes new features and capabilities down the line that we'll definitely be testing with external testers, but we have to get there first!

Why do you have a Tester Pool Project?

We're in the early stage of our company, so we don't have all of the bells and whistles Centercode can offer us (yet). The Tester Pool allows us to manage agreements, create a profile for interested testers, and invite selected people to join a Project. Without it, we wouldn't know if our tests were unbalanced or be able to control entry.

Should I read the legal documents?

Okay, we know no one is actually asking this. But PLEASE read our documents! They're important (and we worked hard on them). Your ability to exercise your rights matters to us and the Beta Brilliance Blueprint will legitimately help you hit the ground running with understanding how our tests work.

We'll keep an eye out for other FAQ and edit this document as we go. Thanks for reading!